このホテルは便利な立地 at the intersection of 107 Street and 120th Avenue. Also 数分 from ホテル are all major shopping centres such as Wal-Mart, Costco and major business routes.
Discover luxury and comfort in the well appointed guest rooms that スイーツ for all your needs. このホテル also boasts executive and corporate スイーツ for business guests and for those looking for something a little more, ホテル offers luxurious ジャグジー スイーツ.
Before your busy day of meetings or shopping, the start with 美味しい朝食 served at The breakfast room.
ホリデーイン エクスプレス boasts amenities including an indoor heated スイミングプール and water slide, and state of the art fitness area as well as a modern business centre.