The Place d'Armes ホテルは、located just a few steps away from モントリオール's finest restaurants, Notre-Dame Basilica, Old Port as well as shopping and nightlife.
このホテルは、美しく装飾された部屋 that are elegantly furnished with an array of contemporary amenities to satisfy the needs of discerning travellers.
宿泊客はホテルで出される素敵なコンチネンタル・ブレックファーストで素晴らしい一日を始めることが出来ます。 The Aix Cuisine du Terroir serves delicious cuisine for you to feast on. 居ごこちの良いバーでお気に入りの飲み物を飲んで、リラックスすることが出来ます。
ホテル offers 会議室、最大収容人員 350名 for organising your important events. The スパ offers a variety of treatments such as マッサージs, aromatherapy, aesthetic treatments, facials, manicures and pedicures to revive your body, mind and spirit. You can also workout at the ジム and maintain your fitness regime throughout your stay in the hotel.