このホテルは、perfectly situated near the Bloor-Yorkville District, just 数分(車で) to the Union Station,Glendon and Keele campuses of York University. It is also at a convenient access from the Royal オンタリオ Museum, University of トロント, Canon Theatre, Nathan Phillips Square, Elgin as well as Winter Garden Theatre through the nearby subway station.
To make your stay a grand experience, このホテル offers spacious and comfortable rooms. All of them are air-conditioned and come with a host of standard amenities.
Guests can dine at ホテル内のレストラン that serve a wide range of delicacies for you to feast on.
ゲストに役立つサービスとして a conference room for organising business meetings and seminars. ホテル滞在の間、guests can browse the net or visit the Chinatown and the Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, which are also the popular local attractions.